Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
sm1thbot DeepBot
smaksbot DeepBot
smallcravey_bot DeepBot
smallpeenbot DeepBot
smallplaysron DeepBot
smallstv_bot DeepBot
smarttornadobot DeepBot
smartyboter DeepBot
smash64bot DeepBot
smashbott DeepBot
smashersbot DeepBot
smashgamingbot DeepBot
smashoxbot DeepBot
smashstevebot DeepBot
smaysbot DeepBot
smbot42 DeepBot
smedbot DeepBot
smeg__bot DeepBot
smelldrone DeepBot
smexybots DeepBot
smidge_bot DeepBot
smienkasaurus_bot DeepBot
smiggybot DeepBot
smilebot DeepBot
smileydaddy DeepBot
smirkybot DeepBot
smirkyfoxbot DeepBot
smiteybot DeepBot
smittenbot DeepBot
smittybot_0227 DeepBot
smmbot_ DeepBot
smobot84 DeepBot
smogbot DeepBot
smok3bot DeepBot
smokexbot DeepBot
smokeyb0t DeepBot
smokeybaconbot DeepBot
smokeybot_ DeepBot
smokeymcbot420 DeepBot
smokingbuii DeepBot
smolniko DeepBot
smoochiecudbot DeepBot
smoofybot DeepBot
smookieee_bot DeepBot
smoothprimesguardian DeepBot
smueleobot DeepBot
smugglingcookiepirate DeepBot
smurfs_bot DeepBot
sn00p__dogg DeepBot
sn0wtvbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.