Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
skafosbotconfirmed DeepBot
skald_bot DeepBot
skeechanbot DeepBot
skeezybot DeepBot
skele_bot DeepBot
skellibones DeepBot
skemobot DeepBot
skenterbot DeepBot
skerpinatorbot DeepBot
sketchb0t DeepBot
sketchdroid DeepBot
sketchobotamus DeepBot
skibskokken DeepBot
skidpad_bot_ DeepBot
skidrowcs_bot DeepBot
skiemod DeepBot
skigzbot DeepBot
skillabot1711 DeepBot
skilledwillbot DeepBot
skillerbot1899 DeepBot
skillzbot_ DeepBot
skil_bot DeepBot
skindistributor DeepBot
skingobot DeepBot
skinnybott DeepBot
skinnyybott DeepBot
skinzlicious_bot DeepBot
skipbot DeepBot
skippy0330loyaltybot DeepBot
skipsh00terbot DeepBot
skip_wtf_bot DeepBot
skiratabot DeepBot
skirmishbot DeepBot
skittenking DeepBot
skittlesfactory DeepBot
skittllesbot DeepBot
skizzsbot DeepBot
skjeggbot DeepBot
skjeggbot_ DeepBot
sklbot DeepBot
skojd_bot DeepBot
skolbot DeepBot
skoobot DeepBot
skooptvbot DeepBot
skopa_bot DeepBot
skornbbtest DeepBot
skovboost DeepBot
skoyabot DeepBot
skrapz_bot DeepBot
skratchbot3000 DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.