Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
panda_shield DeepBot
pandebot_ DeepBot
pandedoido DeepBot
pandexh DeepBot
pandorabby_ DeepBot
pangabot DeepBot
pangaeabot DeepBot
pangrizzlybot DeepBot
pankubot DeepBot
pankybot DeepBot
pantiedroppabot DeepBot
pantsubaka DeepBot
pantsu__bot Unknown (click to correct)
pantyhamsterbot DeepBot
panty_bot DeepBot
paopuclub DeepBot
papab0t ModBot
papabar DeepBot
papacitosbot ModBot
papaephie DeepBot
papagbot DeepBot
papagimp55bot2 DeepBot
papahellnolfbot DeepBot
papajohnbot DeepBot
papapunbot3000 DeepBot
papasanbot Streamlabs Chatbot
papaschlumpf_bot DeepBot
papas_dream_machine DeepBot
papas_hammer_bot DeepBot
papatrid DeepBot
papayakingbot DeepBot
papa_____bearbot DeepBot
paper_bot DeepBot
papiangelo DeepBot
papichulobot DeepBot
para60nbot DeepBot
parabotten DeepBot
paradise_bot JopeBot
parafalm DeepBot
parag0nbot DeepBot
parangabot DeepBot
paranobibot DeepBot
paranoydtv_bot DeepBot
parasite_bot DeepBot
para_bot_taisa_ DeepBot
pardonthebot DeepBot
parejabot DeepBot
parentsgolive DeepBot
parkemployee DeepBot
parkersthethird DeepBot