Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
mrmeowximus DeepBot
mrmetalbot DeepBot
mrmidasbot Unknown (click to correct)
mrmojo20bot DeepBot
mrmonkeybot DeepBot
mrmrsmbot ModBot
mrmurkybot DeepBot
mrn3wbbot DeepBot
mrnazarbot DeepBot
mrnerdzbot DeepBot
mrnevobot DeepBot
mrnextvbot DeepBot
mrnobotx3 DeepBot
mrnuke_bot DeepBot
mrnutface DeepBot
mrpewps DeepBot
mrpieman_bot DeepBot
mrplushbot DeepBot
mrpoopybothole DeepBot
mrpoopycorn DeepBot
mrpositive231 DeepBot
mrpozytywny DeepBot
mrpraktikant DeepBot
mrpsychodrone DeepBot
mrragebot DeepBot
mrreverbbot DeepBot
mrrockinoutch JopeBot
mrrockstarbot DeepBot
mrroehrich DeepBot
mrrpgbot ModBot
mrrudgebot DeepBot
mrsbot ScorpBot
mrsbot117 DeepBot
mrscottbot ModBot
mrscrapbot DeepBot
mrsgameandbot DeepBot
mrsharusbot DeepBot
mrsjenibot ModBot
mrskdogg DeepBot
mrsllamad2 ModBot
mrsmerle DeepBot
mrspinbot DeepBot
mrsprinkles_bot DeepBot
mrsrcaca DeepBot
mrsrecklessbot ScorpBot
mrstanandradotcom DeepBot
mrsuppich DeepBot
mrswapbot DeepBot
mrszombiebot DeepBot
mrs_finnley DeepBot