Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
moralesbot Phantombot
mrdemonwolfbot Phantombot
mr_purr_bot Phantombot
mstr_ctrl Phantombot
natebot Phantombot
neddybot Phantombot
neonbot666 Phantombot
ninjasquirtlesquadcaptain Phantombot
not_lordmau5 Phantombot
oneil_bot Phantombot
oohbot Phantombot
pandapowerbot Phantombot
pendantbot Phantombot
phantombot Phantombot
phil_the_bot Phantombot
prezonbot Phantombot
prohibitionbot Phantombot
queenquesa316 Phantombot
rager_bot Phantombot
rams_bot Phantombot
rickyvbot Phantombot
ritandabot Phantombot
robomattie Phantombot
rosileinchen Phantombot
saaitvbot Phantombot
sethbothere Phantombot
sibot_ Phantombot
southxbot Phantombot
spackbot Phantombot
spack_bot Phantombot
spumbot Phantombot
startrek524 Phantombot
taiwan_tomsbot Phantombot
talk3twitcher Phantombot
tekbot_v1 Phantombot
teufelswache Phantombot
thecitybot Phantombot
thesonicbartender Phantombot
the_hero_you_deserve Phantombot
timmythebot Phantombot
tjc_bot Phantombot
void4bot Phantombot
wanteddotexe Phantombot
wolfiebot500 Phantombot
yukinoshira Phantombot
ztvbot Phantombot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.