Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
bigfububot ModBot
biggerbot ModBot
bigtexbot ModBot
biohbot ModBot
bionicninjabot ModBot
bizzlesbot ModBot
blackb0mberbot ModBot
blackmanchildbot ModBot
blackmarketmoose ModBot
blatzoisebot ModBot
bleudingus ModBot
bloodwolfpackbot ModBot
bloomthesheepbot ModBot
blossombucks ModBot
bluespiders_hjelper ModBot
blueybot ModBot
boddy_guard ModBot
bongbot420 ModBot
boom_robot ModBot
booteabot ModBot
bootybotxd ModBot
botasaurus_ ModBot
botegiceevee ModBot
botfr0zen ModBot
bothenk ModBot
botmelvin ModBot
botmystic ModBot
botofthecaptain ModBot
botoftroll ModBot
botoftwiin ModBot
botplayshd ModBot
botprodigy ModBot
botsnipie ModBot
botterzoid ModBot
bottwitchytwitchtwist ModBot
bot_bad ModBot
bot_binary ModBot
bot_cf ModBot
bot_guide ModBot
bot_lily ModBot
bot_matic ModBot
boycrippledmod ModBot
brainsplashbot ModBot
bramplaysbot ModBot
bredarbot ModBot
bricheeseybot ModBot
brobeansbot ModBot
brokengbot ModBot
brombeerbot ModBot
brosieodonnell ModBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.