Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
1st_lieutenant DeepBot
1st_mate_bot DeepBot
1upb0t DeepBot
1vbot DeepBot
23docaralhes DeepBot
2lame4bot DeepBot
2n0nym0u5bot DeepBot
2nienna4 DeepBot
2r_bot DeepBot
2studly_bot DeepBot
2welvebot DeepBot
30kbot DeepBot
323_bot DeepBot
360noscopeturtle DeepBot
3615_munina DeepBot
365gaminextreeme DeepBot
36bot DeepBot
3girls1bot DeepBot
3lkbot DeepBot
3rdlegsbouncer DeepBot
3ster_bot DeepBot
3topopka DeepBot
3vil_layla DeepBot
3x3qt DeepBot
3xcelbot DeepBot
3ye_b0t DeepBot
40feetmeleebot DeepBot
420doggbot DeepBot
47artist_gaming DeepBot
4a63nbot DeepBot
4aikabot DeepBot
4ever_fifabot DeepBot
4gasmbot DeepBot
4k_bot DeepBot
4mvp DeepBot
4nob0t DeepBot
4x4_bot DeepBot
4yournemesisbot DeepBot
50centpeice DeepBot
50f13 DeepBot
5150bot DeepBot
5150ranger DeepBot
53m1k0l0nbot DeepBot
54lly DeepBot
57erbot DeepBot
5efaixa_bot DeepBot
5ghzbot DeepBot
5h4rkb0t DeepBot
5ivebot DeepBot
5kbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.