Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
anoldsbot DeepBot
anqiisbot DeepBot
anstaltshelfer DeepBot
anstaltssprecher DeepBot
anstaltswaerter DeepBot
ant1ch3ater DeepBot
antgiver DeepBot
antifamebot DeepBot
antifame_bot DeepBot
antimatebot DeepBot
antinullbot DeepBot
anttisek_bot DeepBot
antzvill DeepBot
anubisgundam DeepBot
anubotx DeepBot
anusbotthegreat DeepBot
anvil_bot DeepBot
an_ty DeepBot
aod_spacebot DeepBot
ap0llobot DeepBot
apbot DeepBot
apennyworth_bot DeepBot
apespam DeepBot
apexaffectbot DeepBot
apexdbot DeepBot
apexpathf1nder DeepBot
apexukbot DeepBot
apex_96_bot DeepBot
apfelsammler DeepBot
apfelsinen_bot DeepBot
apfel_com_bot DeepBot
aphroditelady DeepBot
aphroxchatbot DeepBot
aphrox_chat_bot DeepBot
apiebot DeepBot
apiiibot DeepBot
apokbot DeepBot
apoobot DeepBot
appleambassador DeepBot
applejuiceganggang DeepBot
applesbot_ DeepBot
apple_spicers_slave DeepBot
aquebot DeepBot
arabotsh DeepBot
arabsknightbot DeepBot
arahuanbot DeepBot
arakonbot DeepBot
arawnbot DeepBot
arazbot DeepBot
arbeiterbiene DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.