Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
xxbrotherbear DeepBot
xxchampbotxx ModBot
xxd3f4ltxx2 DeepBot
xxdandroid86xx DeepBot
xxdewcebutler ModBot
xxelitebotxx DeepBot
xxghoste_bot DeepBot
xxjonsnowxx DeepBot
xxkickinwingxx DeepBot
xxkosmicbotxx ModBot
xxn3xisxxbot DeepBot
xxpit_botxx DeepBot
xxrazerbotxx DeepBot
xxrenbotxx DeepBot
xxsuperdreamxxbot Streamlabs Chatbot
xxtomaheroinexx DeepBot
xxtr1ck5h00t3rxx37 DeepBot
xxxbot Unknown (click to correct)
xxxfirebotxxx DeepBot
xxxmoanxxx69 DeepBot
xxxwickedbotxxx ModBot
xxxxspectrexxxx DeepBot
xxx_pc_xxx Unknown (click to correct)
xxzottibot DeepBot
xx_botify_xx DeepBot
xx_bot_bot_xx DeepBot
xx_d4nkbot_xx DeepBot
xx_dirt_bot_xx Dotanoobs Chat Bot
xx_economy_xx DeepBot
xx_gamevape_xx_bot DeepBot
xx_rustybot_xx DeepBot
xx_skinbot_xx DeepBot
xx_wicket_xx DeepBot
xypmabot DeepBot
xythe_bot DeepBot
xzer0_bot DeepBot
xzionbot Unknown (click to correct)
x_bababot_x DeepBot
x_chronobot DeepBot
x_foxbot_x DeepBot
x_misstwitchbot_x DeepBot
x_quartermaster_x Streamlabs Chatbot
x_samubot_x DeepBot
x_skittles_xbot DeepBot
x___ownedsbot DeepBot
y0shicsgo_bot DeepBot
yabathebot DeepBot
yabotsgotthis DeepBot
yaboysoul DeepBot
yachirubot ModBot