Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
ammosbot DeepBot
ammo_bot DeepBot
ammunationbot DeepBot
amnebot DeepBot
amoribot DeepBot
amosbot DeepBot
ampermod DeepBot
ampfybot DeepBot
amplified_bot DeepBot
ampmod DeepBot
amysbot DeepBot
am_i_muted DeepBot
analyze_bot DeepBot
anbuxelite DeepBot
andersh00wbot DeepBot
andibeatriceleojamesbuddy DeepBot
andiroxxbot DeepBot
andobot94 DeepBot
andr3bott DeepBot
andrewzbot DeepBot
andriobot DeepBot
androidak47 DeepBot
androidkong DeepBot
androoplaysbot DeepBot
androtron9000 DeepBot
androtron9001 DeepBot
andubot DeepBot
andysbot2 DeepBot
ang3lbot DeepBot
angelarosebot DeepBot
angelica125 DeepBot
angelicrbot DeepBot
angeloffok_bot DeepBot
angeloff_bot DeepBot
angiescookies DeepBot
anglerbot DeepBot
angolinhas DeepBot
angrychef_ DeepBot
angrylilbot DeepBot
angrylobsterbot DeepBot
angryssaltybot DeepBot
angry_giru DeepBot
angry_unicorn_bot DeepBot
animalizebot DeepBot
ankhbotsenpai DeepBot
anncakesbot DeepBot
annchibot DeepBot
annisbot DeepBot
annoyedbot DeepBot
ann_ergy DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.