Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
aktiverbot DeepBot
akulabot DeepBot
akumasbae DeepBot
alafian_bot DeepBot
alaskanbot DeepBot
alaushka_bot DeepBot
albundy2007bot DeepBot
alchemistenbot DeepBot
alchemisy_bot DeepBot
alchies_bot DeepBot
alcoholicweeb DeepBot
aldrebot DeepBot
alegendbot DeepBot
alejandroobot DeepBot
alerler_bot DeepBot
aleshbot DeepBot
alexanderr_bot DeepBot
alexasan DeepBot
alexvett21_bot DeepBot
alexyo_bot DeepBot
alfgo2bot DeepBot
alfredb0t DeepBot
alfredcocksworth DeepBot
alfred_der_butlerbot DeepBot
alfred_der_buttler DeepBot
alfred_pennyw0rth_ DeepBot
alfred_t_c_pennyworth DeepBot
aliaslukasbot DeepBot
alias_usmc DeepBot
alienb0t DeepBot
alienempirebot DeepBot
alienqu33nbot DeepBot
alien_pr0be DeepBot
alkebot DeepBot
alkosschatten DeepBot
allb0tn0thing DeepBot
alleluiagroots DeepBot
alleluia_bot DeepBot
alliance_ai DeepBot
allibot DeepBot
alliedbotv1 DeepBot
allie__bot DeepBot
allirocksbot DeepBot
allocation DeepBot
allsaintsbot DeepBot
allseeingredbot DeepBot
allthelootsbot DeepBot
allucard300 DeepBot
allwardbot DeepBot
all_in_keeper DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.