Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
xstrikerbot DeepBot
xthebarmaidx DeepBot
xthechrisibot DeepBot
xthyniaxbot DeepBot
xtremephoenixbot DeepBot
xtrfied DeepBot
xturok4x DeepBot
xtwistedxbot DeepBot
xunbotkin DeepBot
xuxiymbot DeepBot
xuxubot DeepBot
xw4rbotx DeepBot
xwipedbotx DeepBot
xxbetabotxx DeepBot
xxbirdiebotxx DeepBot
xxblackzero DeepBot
xxbrotherbear DeepBot
xxd3f4ltxx2 DeepBot
xxdandroid86xx DeepBot
xxelitebotxx DeepBot
xxghoste_bot DeepBot
xxjonsnowxx DeepBot
xxkickinwingxx DeepBot
xxn3xisxxbot DeepBot
xxpit_botxx DeepBot
xxrazerbotxx DeepBot
xxrenbotxx DeepBot
xxtomaheroinexx DeepBot
xxtr1ck5h00t3rxx37 DeepBot
xxxfirebotxxx DeepBot
xxxmoanxxx69 DeepBot
xxxxspectrexxxx DeepBot
xxzottibot DeepBot
xx_botify_xx DeepBot
xx_bot_bot_xx DeepBot
xx_d4nkbot_xx DeepBot
xx_economy_xx DeepBot
xx_gamevape_xx_bot DeepBot
xx_rustybot_xx DeepBot
xx_skinbot_xx DeepBot
xx_wicket_xx DeepBot
xypmabot DeepBot
xythe_bot DeepBot
xzer0_bot DeepBot
x_bababot_x DeepBot
x_chronobot DeepBot
x_foxbot_x DeepBot
x_misstwitchbot_x DeepBot
x_samubot_x DeepBot
x_skittles_xbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.