Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
xlopezbot DeepBot
xlumabotx DeepBot
xlunarbot DeepBot
xmarubot DeepBot
xmg_bot DeepBot
xmiss_panda DeepBot
xmuckzzbot DeepBot
xnagatox117 DeepBot
xnajbot DeepBot
xnathgriffxbubblebot DeepBot
xnerdbot DeepBot
xnmlive DeepBot
xnrg_bot DeepBot
xnursebotx DeepBot
xogumtv DeepBot
xombie_bot DeepBot
xonibot DeepBot
xorbot88 DeepBot
xorimbot DeepBot
xoutlawbotx DeepBot
xo_dbot DeepBot
xpandaxbot DeepBot
xpanda_botx DeepBot
xpandorashandlanger DeepBot
xpbot_ DeepBot
xplanktonbot DeepBot
xplayztvbot DeepBot
xpoisonbot DeepBot
xpolicedepartmentx DeepBot
xposedbot DeepBot
xpsychotriixx DeepBot
xp_admin DeepBot
xq_bot DeepBot
xraayg DeepBot
xraidenbot DeepBot
xrizxbotx DeepBot
xrylcbot DeepBot
xsamusbot DeepBot
xsevbot DeepBot
xsgbotx DeepBot
xsgtpepperxbot DeepBot
xshotbot DeepBot
xsilence_bot DeepBot
xskullbot DeepBot
xslaybot DeepBot
xsonicbotx DeepBot
xsquibbyx DeepBot
xstonerbot DeepBot
xstrikerbot DeepBot
xthebarmaidx DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.