Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
synsationbot DeepBot
synsecond DeepBot
syntato DeepBot
syntexobot DeepBot
synthesisbot Unknown (click to correct)
synthet1cgamer DeepBot
syntheticzzz_bot DeepBot
syntobot DeepBot
syproo_bot DeepBot
syraazb0t DeepBot
systembot DeepBot
sys_b0t DeepBot
szhiroybot DeepBot
s_h_y_s_t_y_b_o_t DeepBot
s_m_i_d_g_e DeepBot
t0kenmachine DeepBot
t0mshelfer DeepBot
t1mmyb0t DeepBot
t1riot_bot DeepBot
t1_tv DeepBot
t210m DeepBot
t3chbot DeepBot
t3ckbo DeepBot
t3hmaster DeepBot
t3ttrabot DeepBot
t4ken_bot DeepBot
t4r5bot DeepBot
t7bot DeepBot
t7ylrbot DeepBot
t90bot DeepBot
tabakdealer DeepBot
tabakdealerno1 DeepBot
tabakoma DeepBot
tabanbot DeepBot
tabletopbot DeepBot
tabletopgamerbot DeepBot
tabot1337 DeepBot
tabtargets_bot DeepBot
tachibanabot DeepBot
tacibot DeepBot
tacitusbot DeepBot
tacodeliverydrone DeepBot
tacodroid DeepBot
taconebot DeepBot
taconesbot DeepBot
tacoofbotos DeepBot
tacopot1337 Streamlabs Chatbot
tacostandworker DeepBot
tacos_droid Streamlabs Chatbot
tacotimebot DeepBot