Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
razzahazzabot DeepBot
razzberrybot DeepBot
razzbott DeepBot
razzthebot DeepBot
rbot20 DeepBot
rcbot1ng77 DeepBot
rcwttv DeepBot
rdnsbot DeepBot
rdotbot DeepBot
rdshadowdragon DeepBot
reactorbot DeepBot
reaktorwaechter DeepBot
realalphabot DeepBot
realbawt DeepBot
realbotzo pajbot
realest_bot DeepBot
realfinebot DeepBot
realfreakybot DeepBot
realh4xx_bot DeepBot
realisticbot DeepBot
realmwarden DeepBot
realpoze DeepBot
realruffybot DeepBot
realsaltbot ModBot
realstreambot DeepBot
realtorrandle DeepBot
real_voodoo_cop DeepBot
reaperbot DeepBot
reaperbot135 DeepBot
reaperbot22 DeepBot
reaperfistbot DeepBot
reapergrrimmbot DeepBot
reaperrbott DeepBot
reaperserafim DeepBot
reapsbots DeepBot
reasecord DeepBot
reauxbote DeepBot
reavebot ModBot
reazybot DeepBot
rebassmart DeepBot
rebeldicebot DeepBot
rebellen_bot DeepBot
rebellionbot DeepBot
rebelv2bot DeepBot
rebel_in_action DeepBot
rebola_bot DeepBot
rebot12 DeepBot
rebotka DeepBot
rebottled Unknown (click to correct)