Known Twitch service bots

Type information is best-effort: bot types are verified when possible and else just assumed correct. Please submit a correction if you spot something wrong.
Username Type
showmeyourbot DeepBot
shoxy75bot DeepBot
shoxycredits DeepBot
sho__bot DeepBot
shredbot99 DeepBot
shredzbot DeepBot
shrekbot__ DeepBot
shrewpoints DeepBot
shrimpboatbot DeepBot
shrokthebot DeepBot
shrubbery_bot DeepBot
shugabot DeepBot
shugoxbot DeepBot
shujintech DeepBot
shukinhobot DeepBot
shulbot DeepBot
shumba_bot DeepBot
shusra DeepBot
shvzibot DeepBot
shyhulkragebot DeepBot
sibanbot DeepBot
sibbebot DeepBot
sicc_bot DeepBot
sicherheitsoffizier DeepBot
sicisbot DeepBot
sickob0t DeepBot
sickygnarbot DeepBot
sidbot3000 DeepBot
sidefxdabot DeepBot
sideseatcat DeepBot
sidewalk_cowboy DeepBot
sidhe_bot DeepBot
sidhstl_ DeepBot
siggiswelt1 DeepBot
sighb0t DeepBot
sighmington DeepBot
sigmnabot DeepBot
signy_ai DeepBot
sigridbot DeepBot
sigrunnbot DeepBot
siicedd DeepBot
siionbot DeepBot
sikibot DeepBot
sik_bot_7 DeepBot
sil3ncebot DeepBot
silci_bot DeepBot
silenthilldkbot DeepBot
silentkillbot DeepBot
silentwolfii DeepBot
siliconbot DeepBot

The list is missing a bot user for this type? Submit a bot of this type.